Friday, June 17, 2016

Flat Seal: ABOUT US, The Story

Conscious regarding the impact that the actual transit provides, the necessity to have better quality conditions and global warming obligates us and life on planet earth to every day consume more ecological responsible products. An American investor , led by Ricardo Alonso, came together in 2005 with the purpose of developing a business that would bring solutions to our global contamination.

With previous market investigation, they oriented as a first phase towards de search of new technology with the focus on resolving these issues.

They then came across FLAT SEAL, a chemical solution that seals tires that, once installed inside the tire, it will provide protection against air loss for the entire life of the tire.
This way, they would directly collaborate with road security preventing transit wrecks or minimizing the effects of a badly taken tire care, specially taken care of people's life and health.

The first strategy of market applied was commercializing it as wholesale, without concentrating on the development of the brand. In just a short time, it surpassed the expectations as it was introduced successfully into the industrial market in many countries.

After 2008, the decision was made to start positioning the brand and penetrating into the Latin American market, selecting Argentina as regional headquarters. ‪#‎FlatSeal‬ tire sealant prevent

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