Tires have more environmental impact than a person can
imagine. The massive manufacturing of tires and the difficulties to get rid of
used tires constitutes one of the main environmental problems in the world for
the past few years. A tire needs big
quantities of energy to be produced and it also brings, if it is correctly
recycled, contamination to the environment since it comes from, generally,
uncontrolled drains.
Other methods exist to achieve a coherent recycle of these
products but we are lacking politics favoring the capture and implementation of
industries dedicated to recover or eliminate, in the cleanest way, all
dangerous components.
In some countries, 250,000 tons of used tires are generated.
45 % are introduced into untreated controlled drains. 15 % are later introduced
into a crushing machine and 40 % is not controlled.
To eliminate these residues, they throw it into flames causing direct
environmental problems.
On these tire drains, the piles of tires form reefs where the proliferation of
rodents, insects and other animals constitute a serious problem.
The reproduction of certain mosquitoes, which transfer dieses that cause fevers
and encephalitis, comes to be 4,000 times more than the reproduction theses
mosquitoes produce in suspended water.
There are diverse methods currently in use to recycle tires.
These methods intend to convert tire into electric energy or try to reutilize
the material.
• THERMOLYSIS. Tires are exposed to heat without
the presence of oxygen. This method achieves the total recover of the tire
• PYROLYSIS. Is an experimental method somewhat extended. The products
obtained after this process are usually gases similar to propane and industrial
• INCINIRATION. On this method, heat is produced that can be used as
energy. With this method, the contaminant products that are produced in the
combustion are dangerous to human life. Also, they are dangerous due to the
fact that they are soluble in water, causing them to pass through the water
chain and towards humans.
• CRYOGENIC CRUSHING. This method is very complex and expensive. The
process intends to separate the different materials that compose the tire.
• MECHANICAL CRUSHING. This method is purely mechanic. The crushing
with mechanical systems is, almost always, the previous step before the recover
• ECOLOGICAL TIRES. Due to the diverse problems that tires cause to
our environment, many manufacturers are starting to design new products that
are more environmental friendly.
Flat Seal Group Inc. Tire sealant prevent (305) 463-0861
7311 NW 12th St #14, Miami, FL 33126
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1-844 NO FLATS (663-5287)
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